Lucy Patton

Lucy Patton

Chartered Accountant - ACA, MA

About Lucy

Lucy Patton qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2023 after having first obtained a First Class Master of Arts degree in Accountancy and Finance at Heriot-Watt University in 2019. Lucy previously worked as an Accountant for various small and medium sized businesses for 5 years in Scotland, and then moved into the Auditing field for 4 years where she gained experience with both international and listed companies. As a result of this work experience, Lucy also gained her Audit Qualification during this role.

Throughout her career, Lucy has had an interest in getting involved in clubs and societies in her region and has held the following positions:

  • Vice-Treasurer of the Manchester Chartered Accountant Students’ Society
  • Social Secretary of the Manchester Chartered Accountant Students’ Society
  • Treasurer of the Heriot-Watt Economics Society

At the beginning of 2024, Lucy immigrated across to Australia and has settled happily in Cairns. She is enjoying the tropical sunshine that this coast has to offer and is looking forward to participating in more dives out in the Great Barrier Reef.

Our Professionals

Mandy Beeton
Chartered Accountant - FCA, BSc
Lucy Patton
Chartered Accountant - ACA, MA
Angela Town
Practice Manager

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